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The Campaign.

Lying awake at night, restless in the face of the upcoming referendum and her wish to play a part in it, Aine Teahan came up with a simple idea. ‘How about starting a campaign with the hashtag #LoveIsLoveIreland and get people to post images of themselves in support of the Marriage Equality Referendum?’

She soon gathered support of many other parents – all with a common wish:

We want to believe in a future where our children, regardless of sexuality, feel free and equal to love whoever they wish, know that their love is equal to any and are able to proclaim that love freely.

Since then, we’ve been tweeting, facebooking and sharing images and stories all on the theme of ‘love is love’. Please visit our facebook or website. Read the stories. Share your photo and/or story in support. Feel the love of this great community.

How can I support this campaign?

  1. Like and share our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Loveisloveireland
  2. Post an image of you or you and your loved ones on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Loveisloveireland or post your photo on Twitter and tag with the hashtag #loveisloveireland
  3. Add a Twibbon as your profile pic on Facebook and/or Twitter www.twibbon.com/support/loveisloveireland and download a facebook cover.
  4. Visit our website www.loveisloveireland.com
